At Night All Blood is Black
Winner of the International Booker Prize, 2021
In First World War, a Senegal 'Chocolat' soldier, Alfa Ndiaye, is fighting in the French army. His story is dark and brutal.
In the first part, twenty-year-old Alfa is shaken by his best friend's Mademba Diop brutal death. When Mademba, his more-than-brother as he calls him, pleaded to him to kill him, he couldn't do this act of mercy to spare him the suffering. After Mademba's death, Alfa starts seeking revenge and atonement for himself. In the second part, he remembers his last days in his village, before he went to the battlefield.
I liked the writing. Especially in the first part, it was rough, brutal, and dark as the story.
Goodreads |
- author: David Diop
- full title: At Night All Blood is Black
- genre: literary fiction
- format/type: bookfiction
- topics: #war
- publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- publish date: November 10, 2020
- pages: 145
My Rating of the Book:
- content: 💙💙💙.5
David Diop grew up in Senegal. He is currently a lecturer at the University of Pau.