On the Island of Vorn, Sorceline is attending the school of cryptozoology. She has a gift for mythical creatures. Professor Archibald Balzar will choose an apprentice among the best students, and all children would like to earn this post.
Sorceline is a lovely middle-grade fantasy graphic novel. It seems like a mix of Harry Potter and Magical Beasts. So if you like those two series, you could love this too. Illustrations are gorgeous with beautiful colors and the kind that would appeal to the young.
This graphic novel is volume 1 (of 4). I didn’t realize that when I started reading it. The graphic novel ends quite abruptly, and it has an open ending. This was a bit frustrating because, as I understand, volume two (in english) is not available yet, and we don’t know when it will be. I would have to read on for a better rating and review, but what I’ve seen so far looks very promising.
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