I finally took some time for Chekhov.
I remember reading some of his works, but I didn’t remember much. So, to read his short stories was a must for me. Now I’m here, I started, and I’m glad I took time for these little gems.
Mitya (Dmitry) Kuldarov is famous. He tells his parents about his fame, and he feels overjoyed. Joy is a very short story (only 697 words in English).
Joy is in public domain. You can read this short story for free on my blog - Joy by Anton Checkhov
- author: Anton Chekhov
- full title: Joy
- genre: humor, short story
- format/type: bookfiction
- country: #russia
- topics: #joy, #littlethingscount
- publisher: Kindle Edition
- publish date: first published January 1, 1883
- pages: 19
My Rating of the Book:
- content: 💙💙💙💙
About the Author: