Sinew and Steel and What They Told

Graff, the pilot, has a huge secret that even Ell, the doctor and his lover, doesn’t know. After the accident, he will have some explaining to do.



  • author: Carrie Vaughn
  • full title: Sinew and Steel and What They Told
  • genre: short story, sci-fi
  • topics: #spacepilot, #lgbt
  • series: Graph #2
  • publisher: Tor Books
  • publish date: 26.02.2020
  • pages: 23

My Rating of the Book:

  • content: πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™.5

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About the Author:

Carrie Vaughn is the author more than twenty novels and over a hundred short stories. She's best known for her New York Times bestselling series of novels about a werewolf named Kitty who hosts a talk radio advice show for the supernaturally disadvantaged. In 2018, she won the Philip K. Dick Award for Bannerless, a post-apocalyptic murder mystery. She's published over 20 novels and 100 short stories, two of which have been finalists for the Hugo Award. She's a contributor to the Wild Cards series of shared world superhero books edited by George R. R. Martin and a graduate of the Odyssey Fantasy Writing Workshop.

An Air Force brat, she survived her nomadic childhood and managed to put down roots in Boulder, Colorado, where she collects hobbies.