This graphic novel, written in a humorous tone, tells the story of Salvador Dalí, a Spanish surrealist artist known for bizarre images in his works. The biography is part one - before he met Gala (the love of his life). It is about his student years when he was friends with José Bello, Federico García Lorca, and Luis Buñuel. In those days, no one would say he would become one of the 20th century’s best-known painters.
I like the illustrations. They are perfect for the story of Dalí.
Goodreads |
- author: Julie Birmant & Clément Oubrerie
- full title: Dalí 1. Before Gala
- genre: graphic novel, biography
- topics: #dali, #artis, #biography
- publisher: Europe Comics
- publish date: 25 Oct 2023
- pages: 88
My Rating of the Book:
- content: 💙💙💙💙💙
- illustrations: 💙💙💙💙💙